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Le Deal du moment :
Blue Lock : où acheter le Tome 22 ...
Voir le deal
12 €

2 participants

    Bonjour a tous !


    Messages : 2
    Points : 10
    Date d'inscription : 20/11/2022
    Localisation : romania

    Bonjour a tous ! Empty Bonjour a tous !

    Message  alex.fahs Dim 20 Nov - 4:09

    greetings, my name is Alex Fahs from lebanon living in romania, i collect and restore classic cars and i just came across a vintage french bike and couldn't pass the offer, more on that later. I love all things vintage and after coming across this forum it seems like this bike comes with an amazing community that I can't wait to be a part of. Unfortunately, I don't speak French and I use the help of a translator, so excuse any errors. Thanks a lot!

    Messages : 9272
    Points : 9758
    Date d'inscription : 22/10/2017
    Age : 55

    Bonjour a tous ! Empty Re: Bonjour a tous !

    Message  papa86 Dim 20 Nov - 6:08

    chapeau! ^Hello Alex

      La date/heure actuelle est Sam 27 Juil - 3:52